Personal coaching or consulting is a popular way to join together with a professional who supports you in your unique life path. All coaches and consultants have their specialties. It's important that you connect with a coach or consultant with whom you feel a resonance. Either you feel it or you do not. Friends and family can makes suggestions and encourage you, but only you know what works for you.
Whether you are a young person, a child, a woman, if you have any problem and need solution just do one thing talk to me. Those who are drawn to work with me are intelligent, eager to move forward, willing to learn, seeking personal coaching to accelerate their personal development and growth. Many are extremely successful, wanting to accomplish the next goal. Others feel something is missing that prevents them from living joyously even though they have achieved a lot. People know that I'm the proper personal coach/consultant for them without being convinced.
Sometimes only the personal touch will do. Undivided discreet and special attention just for you. You may be a CEO or senior player who needs support for a crucial pitch or to embrace your new leadership communication challenges and responsibilities. Perhaps you just need to raise your game a notch or two or need refreshing for the new pitch battles and challenges ahead. You may be a student, facing problem in your studies, problem with friends. You may be housewife or a working women who needs support or help. That's why I am here for. I confidentially mentor and support a diverse range of high-level professionals to help them realise their true and full potential as business communicators. Many are leaders in their fields. Experience shows me that it is not the most talented communicators that prevail but the most persistent and the best coached. Look at the top players in any field and you will find a great coach quietly working in the background but clearly evidenced in their successes. Change your pitch coach and you change your pitch results. Quicker, cheaper and less disruptive than changing your players or the team.
· My personal service offering:
· A comprehensive written and face-to-face analysis of your communication strengths and weaknesses for your eyes/ears only
· Solve all your insights problems, live a tension free life.
· Insights into all the best and latest research into the psychology of persuasion and effective business and personal communication issues to raise your game
· A bespoke coaching and support program built around your work agenda so you can see progress in your professional life almost immediately and transformation over time Begins with a confidential email me, After some questions from me you can choose which mix is right for you. I'll agree a project fee with you there and then and start when you are ready to engage. My Top Three Personal Change Tips for Communicators
· Some moments to communicate your message come only once in life. Get the all help you need then. Whatever it takes. Whatever it costs. Regrets can last forever. Mere successes and failures fade away but some missed opportunities can linger and fester inside us for a lifetime. Trust your gut here over your head. You’ll know the moment.
· It's very hard to be really spot on about yourself as a communicator as we see all our tiny flaws and our perspective is skewed as we are looking from the inside out. Get an outside in opinion of you as a communicator. Listen and don't react to what you hear. Write it down and reflect on it. Agree with yourself what is true. Act on it. Repeat in six months with someone new.
· Change happens only in the present moment. No yesterdays. No tomorrows. Just now. Your call. Your power to change is always within you in this present moment. Take it. Use it. Now. What are you waiting for?
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